Something wonderful is happening to us. Baby number seven is on the way. The last of a large rambunctious group of children. Join us as we travel through the months of this journey.

Friday, April 30, 2010

We have a name, I think. . . . .

In August we will welcome little, or not so little,

Elias Porter Jefferies into the family.

We're looking forward to seing what Eli looks like. :)

That is the longest we have ever debated about names, EVER.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 26th appt.

I raced back to Provo after spending the weekend there for a writers conference. We heard the heartbeat w/o using the US and the baby looks great. the perinatal Dr. wants some more tests and my Dr and I talked about it. I will do some but not others.

The best news is that the triple screen came back clean. No problems. Whoot!

Four months left. :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Time for thinking. . . . . .

As I sat in the baby's room after the ultrasound, I had some time to "kiss my dreams of having that girl goodbye". I won't lie it's not been easy. I've had a hard time with this. And, to be honest, I knew that this was not going to be an easy transition. Uping my concern for myself and how I would bond with this baby, and I knew that I needed to.

So, as I sat in the comfy nursing chair I knew that throwing myself into decorating the nursery for him would be a good way to bond with him. Choosing a name would also help me. So for the first time I looked at the room in a boy's perspective, wondering what would look good and what I would like.

Believe me after five boys I am tired of BLUE . . . flat out tired. Tired of trains, baseball, cars, trucks, and all of those typical boy things. I want something diferent, something that when I walk into the nursery I don't automatically gag and hate it.

As I sat there I had this image flashed through my head of a pretty quilt with blue and green dragonflies. I wish I could sew like the image in my head. I was excited, dragonflies are cool and can be quite boyish. Still, I was not liking the blue aspect of what I was seeing in my head, so I began to ponder colors.

I remembered a diaper bag I saw at the local Wal Mart that was chocolate brown and cellery green. I've allways liked the color combination and got really excited.

Dragonflies in green and brown.

It's only been a couple of weeks since I made the decision. I am slowly working on it, and it's coming together nicely. I have been taking pictures of the whole process and I will post them sometime. It will be cool, I think, to show you the whole process from begining to finished. I'm excited and for me and the baby, it's a good thing.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wow, time passes quickly.

I had my Level 2 Ultrasound last week and found out that everything is just great. The baby is healthy and nothing looks wrong. I am relieved. The DR wants to follow me closely because I have had an abruption and premature birthin the past and I will admit that it is a concern for me too but I have had 3 healthy babies since that PG.

The other thing is that I am having a BOY! While I was initally a little sad, I am overjoyed at having this little one come into our allready insane house and join in on the fun.

Welcome little one!