Something wonderful is happening to us. Baby number seven is on the way. The last of a large rambunctious group of children. Join us as we travel through the months of this journey.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Wednesday August 4th.

We left Emery county at about one knowing we needed to check in at three for the 5:00 surgery. Again that morning was spent in liesurely persuits and I finally got my belly cast made, something I had gone in on Monday regretting not getting done. Laurel and I spent some time late Sunday night taking some pictures that I wanted done before I had the baby. Sitting in a specific room at Castle view hospital doing non stress tests with these pictures on the wall made me want to get some taken before I had Eli because I'd never have that baby bump again. I am so glad I got them done and also that Laurel has a knack for taking pictures.

We arrived at the hospital at about three and I walked back to labor and delivery and was shown to a room. Vincent parked the car and arrived a little later. they monitored the baby and prepped me and by five I was walking into the operating room. The Anestesiologist came in and gave me the spinal and then I was laid down and the room filed with everyone.

At 5:27 Elias was born and they wisked him over to the little isolette and weighed him and did those other things. He looked tiny and perfect.

By seven or eight I was in my room with Vincent and Eli.

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