Something wonderful is happening to us. Baby number seven is on the way. The last of a large rambunctious group of children. Join us as we travel through the months of this journey.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Do you need it?

I am often surprised at the size of lists that perents to be are given in regards to what the baby needs once it gets home.

(Don't even get me started on the list we women are expected to cram into that tiny little delivery room for childbirth. A Crockpot to keep wet washcloths warm? Are you kidding me?)

I once saw a printable list on the Internet that was four pages long. Who on earth needs four pages of stuff? Besides where would you put it? My baby's room is not that big. Granted, that list may have had the word Ultimate in the title but it doesn't excuse these lists as a way of pilfering new parents out of a huge ammount of money and into alot of stress.

What did mommy and daddy need for a new baby 2oo years ago? Mom, dad, clothes and a place to sleep. Simple, easy, and not alot of stress or money.

Now I know there are things that are just amazing and convienent and plain needed. But do we need everything new and amazing? Not really. For example, if you are looking into saving money and space breastfeeding is the way to go by breastfeeding you have eliminated the need for formula bottles binkis sterilizers drying racks etc etc etc. Of course you will need a few nursing bras and some nursing pads and maybe a shirt or two that make it easy to nurse in public. But that is a relatevely small expense in exchange for the other.

Now this is just my opinuion and you are all welcome to your's. But I believe that the necessary things are actually a small handful compared to a four page list. They are as follows. Not necessarily in order of importance.

1) A crib for the baby to sleep in. Cribs are safe, they are tested and made to specifications, and babies roll--alot. Now, if you have room in your bedroom for a crib or don't mind getting up and going to the babies room in the middle of the night then you don't need the next item.
2) A bassinette or playard. If your babies are like mine and wake at least three to four times a night to feed, you want the little one right next to you in your room besides I panic if I can't hear every move or breath they take for the first few months anyway.
3) Diapers, whether cloth or disposable (your choice). This is a no brainer. Wipes are necessary and changng pads for messy problems are nice but not necessary. I have changed hundreds of diapers on everything from the floor bed and couch to the top of a washing machine and the tailgate of a truck. I am biased in saying that for me a changing table is necessary. It saves my back, my carpet, and room in the nursery because all changing related items are stored below the tables surface.
4) Clothes. It is important that baby stays warm in the winter and cool in the summer. You definately want some nice clothes for when grandma comes over or you go visiting or to the store. However babies aren't picky and you can find alot of cute clothes for pennies on the dollar at thrift or second hand stores. The little terry cloth sleepers are your best friend the first few months when they spit or poop all over everything. A dresser is nice for thier clothes, but there are other ways to store thier stuff.
5) Car seat. Most hospitals will not release the baby to you if you don't have an approved carseat. Nuff said.
6) Food. Whether you breastfeed or formula feed, the baby needs to eat at least 8-12 times a day at first. Like I said earlier, breastfeeding is cheaper but if that isn't your choice you will need at least bottles and formula.
7) Stroller. If you go out you will want an easy way to transport the baby. A Stroller is a great thing for walks or a emergency bed if you are away from home.
8) Diaper bag. A place to hold all that stuff you need when going somewhere with that new baby.

There, in less than a handful of items, you have everything you need. Now if there's money and room, what do you want? :)

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