Something wonderful is happening to us. Baby number seven is on the way. The last of a large rambunctious group of children. Join us as we travel through the months of this journey.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

where we stand.

Tomorrow I go to my Dr appt for both MFM and the reg doc. I will be 37 weeks this friday. The MFM Dr's want to do an amnio at 37 weeks and if Elias' lungs are mature take him by c-section.

Theres some concern about blood clot problems in the placenta as it ages. I dont blame them I am worried too although I am more worried about having another baby with Craniosystnosis than anothe clot. I'm probably way off base.

Either way I hope to come home tomorrow knowing what I am doing in regards to having this baby.

The heat has hit where we live and there are days that me feet resemble either a water baloon or a sausage depending on whether you are hungry or thirsty. I've also had a hard time breathing as this baby likes to be in my lungs. I have had some anxiety I think its becauseof Nobles birth and the whole c section thing again but I am trying to remain calm and stay on top of the emotions.

I am ready to have this baby. As much as I have loved this LAST pregnancy I am ready to be holding my baby. I would like to be back to where I can drive my car again. or wearing clothes that fit.

I'll try to remember to update this blog tomorrow.


I thought it'd be fun to give you a what for about whatI have craved this time around.

First trimester: chocolate, lemons and fish sticks

Second: Still chocolate lemons and fish but add to it egg rolls and pot stickers and anything with onion in it. Not onions alone but the cooked flavor.

Third: Bread dip, chocolate lemon and Chinese but the fish has faded a little. However I have added some mexican foods.

Third trimester

We've been great. I am feeling great and extremely blessed and healthy. I know that taking Karate is part of the health benifits. Although the energy has been waning I have been able to do and finish almost everything on that long list of things to get done. There's only a few things left.

Of course things like heartburn are going to show up and bother me even if I am feeling great. Leg cramps are one of those unavoidable things too but both are treatable and I am not complaining too loud.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sorry about the drought of information.

Sometimes the urge to blog just isnt there. But I have finished the nursery and have pictures. :)

This is the shelf right next to the changing table. the half moon basket holds diapers and wipes.

this is the top of the amoire wit the finished frames and lamp shade.

this is his blessing outfit. Isn't it adorable? The little white blanket I knit on a loom my first try too.

This is my nursing chair.

My books and nursing supplies.

The changing table with supplies.

this is inside the amoire.

Inside the closet.

the carseat and baby's bag for the hospital.

The basket of blankets.

The crib and the green polkadot blanket I made for Elais.