Something wonderful is happening to us. Baby number seven is on the way. The last of a large rambunctious group of children. Join us as we travel through the months of this journey.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

where we stand.

Tomorrow I go to my Dr appt for both MFM and the reg doc. I will be 37 weeks this friday. The MFM Dr's want to do an amnio at 37 weeks and if Elias' lungs are mature take him by c-section.

Theres some concern about blood clot problems in the placenta as it ages. I dont blame them I am worried too although I am more worried about having another baby with Craniosystnosis than anothe clot. I'm probably way off base.

Either way I hope to come home tomorrow knowing what I am doing in regards to having this baby.

The heat has hit where we live and there are days that me feet resemble either a water baloon or a sausage depending on whether you are hungry or thirsty. I've also had a hard time breathing as this baby likes to be in my lungs. I have had some anxiety I think its becauseof Nobles birth and the whole c section thing again but I am trying to remain calm and stay on top of the emotions.

I am ready to have this baby. As much as I have loved this LAST pregnancy I am ready to be holding my baby. I would like to be back to where I can drive my car again. or wearing clothes that fit.

I'll try to remember to update this blog tomorrow.

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