Something wonderful is happening to us. Baby number seven is on the way. The last of a large rambunctious group of children. Join us as we travel through the months of this journey.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January 25 2010 Dr. Appointment

My hubby and I traveled to my Dr's yesterday. I found out that I MUST eat breakfast when I take my vitamin, I was so sick the whole trip there. Otherwise, we had a good "date day".

Once in the office we had a second ultrasound and saw the baby. I am measuring ten weeks, and the heart rate was an amazing 182 BPM. That's the fastest I have heard of. To be honest I am hoping its a girl and counting on the fact that my boys HR were allways in the 140's. But I will be cautiously optimistic.

The best news is that the hematoma has shrunk to almost nothing, you can barely see it. I had a wonderful healing experience last Saturday and an not surprised to see that it has almost resolved.

I have decised to forgo the risk and just have another c section. Its so mcuh safer for me and the baby and then have mt tubes tied while I am on the table. While it feels right it also feels so final. I know it will feel right when I am actually there. Untill then I am just going to enjoy this pregnancy.

I am itching to get into my stuff in the garage but I will try to patiently wait untill Arpil when I know for sure the gender. I did find a box that had sleepers that I know will be too small for my baby and I am giving them to a freind who is due this week. I can't wait to get rid of all of the boxes in my garage that are baby related. It feels right to begin the moving on process.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January 12th 2010 Subchorionic Hematoma

The SCH is the black spot at the top right of the picture between the placenta and the uterine wall.

Lat week at my Dr appt, My dr. mentioned thatI had a "pool of blood" next to the baby. He didnt seem worried about it and so I went home thinking nothing of it. Well a few days laterI decided to start looking/asking about that "pool of blood".

Having done some research it turns out that it is a Subchorionic Hematoma. or as some label it a hemhorrage. Not a good thing. This is what Suite 101 said:

First trimester ultrasound is done for early pregnancy bleeding or spotting. It is often done to confirm the viability of an early pregnancy and to acquire an accurate due date. Many things are seen on the first trimester ultrasound, most of them normal. Subchorionic hemorrhages are often seen during this ultrasound. While it is considered to be an abnormality, it is seen in many pregnancies and often is of no consequence.

Also known as a subchorionic hematoma, it is often seen using transvaginal sonography. Most subchorionic hemorrhages are small and will not have an effect on the pregnancy. They generally clear up by the second trimester. Subchorionic hemorrhage is a possible cause for vaginal bleeding, which occurs in 25% pregnancies according to Avneesh Chhabra, M.D. (eMedicine: Subchorionic Hemorrhage).

Read more at Suite101: Subchorionic Hemorrhage: Bleeding During Pregnancy

Am I worried? You betcha! There are articles out there that paint a much more bland picture of what a SCH can do even terminating the pregnancy and causing death in both mother and baby. I am worried, I had a placental abruption thirteen years ago today with my third son and he was born six weeks premature. Could it be that there was a SCH with him too? What if its not caught early? What if I start to bleed and I have to drive over 2 hours to the hospital? What if the baby dies in utero and there's nothing I can do about it or nothing I or the Dr can do to stop it. What if what if what if? I'm trying to relax to breathe deep and trust that God has this pregnancy in His hands. That considering all the circumstances, (age, etc.) that I am pregnant at all.

I am breathing deep, I am still sick, and have other symptoms. The baby is alive. We will somehow survive this.

January 8 2010 - first Dr's appointment

(this is not my pic, havn't scanned it yet)

At my first appointment I found out that I am not as far along as I thought. But not by much eight weeks instead of nine almost ten. the baby was easy to find and the heart rate was between 160-180. All healthy signs. We talked about my allergy to heparin and the complications of taking lovenox. We also talked about whether to have a VBAC or another cecessarian. I honestly told him I didn't know yet. I hadn't thought about it. He asked if there would be more and I toild him no that this was the last one, and we discussed options for that. What a weird feeling to be talking about your last. Or for that matter to get a positive pregnancy test the same month as you get your first pair of reading glasses. Its all feeling really odd this time emotionally. Shocked that the test was positive, In denial that I am 40 and pregnant, That his is the last and #7.

I don't know, perhaps I will be able to explor it more as I continue to blog about it.

From New Years to the Eighth

It has been a whirlwind of activity and events. What house of eight almost nine isn't? I have worked on my book and tried to keep my house from falling down around our ears. While I have been amazingly busy, thoughts of the baby have never been faar from my mind. I have changed what I am doing in the house being more cautious seeing that this is a careful time for a pregnancy. I have found myself staring in my three year olds room and wondering what it would look like with a new coat of paint and new bedding.

Of course I have been wishing that this is that last girl that I want so badly but have told myself and believe that I will be happy even if its a boy. I have been trying to not think about the gender because I don't want to get my hopes up and then have them dashed upon the rocks of reality when we find out the gender.

I find myself looking at baby magazines and wishing for this or that and making the reality list compared to the dream list. All in all its been fun. I am getting more excited and wanting time to pass fast and then knowing that this is my LAST baby wanting it to crawl because this is it.

The next few months will be ones of paranoia and dreaming, and it will be worth it . . . I am sure.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas week

Nothing much happened. We made treats and I found out that morning sickness does not mix well when you have to make dozens of sugar, chocolate chip cookies and carmel corn. I did get alot of dreaming done and lots of looking at baby magazines and room decorating books in my spare time. I made a mental inventory of what I have and what I need, thankfully the need list is short. I know I am jumping the gun, I haven't even been to the doctor yet. But I get so excited. :)

We just enjoyed the days together as a family. Actually, it was sad to send them back to school. We had a good Christmas season. Even if we went to bed early on New Years eve.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Lovenox December 22

I have what is called Factor V Leiden it is a blood clotting disorder. In order to keep a pregnancy I need to keep my blood thin, I need to inject myself once a day. I went to pick up the perscription at the pahrmacists and they wanted 400$ for the copay for a months worth. HUH? I knew it was expensive but dang! So I called both my doctor to see if there was anything cheraper or another option. We figured out that I could get it in the mail much cheaper. That was a relief, but what to do in between times. It was over ten dollars a syringe. I managed to get a rush on the mail order and they overnighted it. It came three days later, don't know if it was just the delivery guys or the fact that Christmas was quickly aproaching. I called Fed ex and the pharmacy several times those few days.

Either way, the package came sometime on Christmas eve, and it wasnt frozen
What an adventure.

December 21

So I called the doctor this morning and got an appointment for January 8th at 12:30. I will be aropund eight weeks then. I will be going to Orem because there are no good doctors where we live and none of them are even remotely VBAC minded. (vaginal birth after cecessarian) I will also do a Sam's Club run when I'm down there. The doctor called in a perscription for Lovenox to the local pharmacy so I could get started right away. But that is another story for another entry.

Sunday December 20th 4:00 am

So this monring I snuck into the bathroom to take the test. I was hoping it was positive and somehow thinking it was negative. Parhaps to talk mytself out of being disapointed. I am 40 now and with my history of trying to get pregnant. My baby Noble will be four before this baby is born. Yet I knew I was and when It came up positive I was excited. My doubts fled and I tried to go back to sleep and of course couldnt. I calculated the due date to be August 14 my husbands birthday. Vince was surprised when I told him but he is allways accepting and happy, we feel so complete and done now.

It was a good day at church just generally smiling and being happy.

The week of December 13th

I might be pregnant, I have some symptoms not a ton but then I never do in the begining. Just enough to make me wonder. The timing is just right and I am two weeks late. Without the symptoms I wouldn't even question if was, my cycle is allways screwy and never predictable. But the symptoms and the latness of my cycle and I an serious thinking about it.

I asked Vince for money this morning to buy a test he gave me money but says he seriously doubts the test is positive. We'll see right. Now to buy a test.