Something wonderful is happening to us. Baby number seven is on the way. The last of a large rambunctious group of children. Join us as we travel through the months of this journey.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January 8 2010 - first Dr's appointment

(this is not my pic, havn't scanned it yet)

At my first appointment I found out that I am not as far along as I thought. But not by much eight weeks instead of nine almost ten. the baby was easy to find and the heart rate was between 160-180. All healthy signs. We talked about my allergy to heparin and the complications of taking lovenox. We also talked about whether to have a VBAC or another cecessarian. I honestly told him I didn't know yet. I hadn't thought about it. He asked if there would be more and I toild him no that this was the last one, and we discussed options for that. What a weird feeling to be talking about your last. Or for that matter to get a positive pregnancy test the same month as you get your first pair of reading glasses. Its all feeling really odd this time emotionally. Shocked that the test was positive, In denial that I am 40 and pregnant, That his is the last and #7.

I don't know, perhaps I will be able to explor it more as I continue to blog about it.

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