Something wonderful is happening to us. Baby number seven is on the way. The last of a large rambunctious group of children. Join us as we travel through the months of this journey.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January 12th 2010 Subchorionic Hematoma

The SCH is the black spot at the top right of the picture between the placenta and the uterine wall.

Lat week at my Dr appt, My dr. mentioned thatI had a "pool of blood" next to the baby. He didnt seem worried about it and so I went home thinking nothing of it. Well a few days laterI decided to start looking/asking about that "pool of blood".

Having done some research it turns out that it is a Subchorionic Hematoma. or as some label it a hemhorrage. Not a good thing. This is what Suite 101 said:

First trimester ultrasound is done for early pregnancy bleeding or spotting. It is often done to confirm the viability of an early pregnancy and to acquire an accurate due date. Many things are seen on the first trimester ultrasound, most of them normal. Subchorionic hemorrhages are often seen during this ultrasound. While it is considered to be an abnormality, it is seen in many pregnancies and often is of no consequence.

Also known as a subchorionic hematoma, it is often seen using transvaginal sonography. Most subchorionic hemorrhages are small and will not have an effect on the pregnancy. They generally clear up by the second trimester. Subchorionic hemorrhage is a possible cause for vaginal bleeding, which occurs in 25% pregnancies according to Avneesh Chhabra, M.D. (eMedicine: Subchorionic Hemorrhage).

Read more at Suite101: Subchorionic Hemorrhage: Bleeding During Pregnancy

Am I worried? You betcha! There are articles out there that paint a much more bland picture of what a SCH can do even terminating the pregnancy and causing death in both mother and baby. I am worried, I had a placental abruption thirteen years ago today with my third son and he was born six weeks premature. Could it be that there was a SCH with him too? What if its not caught early? What if I start to bleed and I have to drive over 2 hours to the hospital? What if the baby dies in utero and there's nothing I can do about it or nothing I or the Dr can do to stop it. What if what if what if? I'm trying to relax to breathe deep and trust that God has this pregnancy in His hands. That considering all the circumstances, (age, etc.) that I am pregnant at all.

I am breathing deep, I am still sick, and have other symptoms. The baby is alive. We will somehow survive this.

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